Thrilled to have a story included in another Darkhouse Books anthology. “Crazy,” my tale in which two characters play out a psychological endgame in the world of illegal immigrants, first appeared in a 2003 collection of Canadian cross-cultural stories titled Mother Margaret and the Rhinoceros Cafe. It was reprinted in Darkhouse’s noir collection, Black Coffee, which was released on Friday.
Fellow Black Coffee authors include well-known U.S. writers Herschel Cozine
I never thought of myself as a “noir” writer, but “Crazy” does fit what Nicholas Seeley says about the noir sub-genre: “In noir, the problem is not the individual: the problem is the world.”
My first story to appear in a Darkhouse publication was “Plastic Paddies” in the 2015 Destination: Mystery!.
Darkhouse Books is run by California-based author Andrew MacRae. It publishes three or four collections a year.
Black Coffee is available on and