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Cottage country celebrity!

Intrepid reporter Chad Ingram of The Minden Times has a lovely article on Black Water and myself in this week’s issue, which came out today.

The snowmobile that Chad Ingram mentions in his article in The Minden Times.

He notes that in Black Water,  “McCracken uses the beauty of the Glencoe Highlands – inspired by the Haliburton Highlands – to contrast the dark, violent elements of the story…the setting is composed of different elements of the Highlands. The fictional town of Braeloch (its name taken from the road in Algonquin Highlands), while located on a lake, is based on Minden, where McCracken does her shopping and gets her hair cut while living at her Saskatchewan Lake cottage. The Catholic church in the book is based on St. Patrick’s in Kinmount and the parts of the book where characters are snowmobiling on a chain of frozen lakes was inspired by the long kayak trips McCracken takes near her cottage.”

Read the entire article here.

The Minden Times is a great little newspaper.  It keeps me up to date on what’s going on in the beautiful Haliburton Highlands when I’m bogged down with work in Toronto. And the coverage it’s given Safe Harbor and now Black Water…well, that’s the icing on the cake!

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