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Rubbing elbows with the stars

Two weeks from now, I’ll be reading from Safe Harbor at Crime Writers of Canada’s Arthur Ellis Shortlist Event. I’m tickled pink that I was asked to participate in the Toronto event because I’ll be sharing the stage some of Canada’s best-known crime fiction writers. Rosemary Aubert, Rick Blechta, Maureen Jennings, Ian Hamilton and Robert Rotenberg, to name a few.

Who was Arthur Ellis, you ask? Arthur Ellis was the pseudonym of our official hangman, before Canada abolished the death penalty in 1976.

The writers shortlisted for this year’s Arthurs will be announced at events in five cities across Canada that evening: Vancouver (Vancouver Public Library), Calgary (Downtown Central Calgary Public Library), Toronto (Indigo, Manulife Centre), Ottawa (Library & Archives Canada) and Montreal (Atwater Library).

Drop in if you’re in the area – 7 p.m. local time.

The winners will named on May 31 at the 2012 Arthur Ellis Awards Banquet at the Hilton Toronto.

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